Choosing The Right Quality Child Care
We understand how difficult it maybe to find quality child care that you trust and feel comfortable with. We want you to feel comfortable that your child will be in a loving home that everyone feels safe in while your child continues to grow and develop. Selecting quality child is crucial to your child's future.
ILearn is a home child care agency licensed by the Ministry Of Education. We strive to provide quality child care with a stimulated curriculum. We offer our providers training and on going support along with monthly home visits to ensure policies and procedures are being implemented. All of our homes are monitored to ensure the home environments are clean and safe. Our home environments promote healthy emotional growth and social development.
At ILearn Home Child Care:
- There is the consistency of one child care provider who will be providing care to your child
- Comfort of that 'home away from home' feeling when dropping off your child

iLearn Home Child Care Agency is part of the new Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care Program.
(Fees reflect CWELLC Program)